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The Central Asian Internet Governance Forum (CA IGF) is a sub-regional initiative of the Global Internet Governance Forum (IGF), convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, with the participation of many stakeholders for dialogue on digital development and access to technology using the benefits of the Internet. The Forum annually gathers delegates from Central Asia from various actors to discuss the use of the Internet to reduce the risks and problems arising in the digital age when using technology.

CA IGF is a regional international platform for representatives of governments, business, international, non–governmental organizations, experts from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan. The main purpose of the Forum is to create a public platform for discussing Internet governance issues in the Central Asian region and developing recommendations for solving the problems of the new digital age. Since 2016, the forum has been held annually in Bishkek, Astana, Tashkent, and Dushanbe.

Experts from neighboring countries are traditionally invited to participate in the Forum, taking into account the commonality of problems in the digital space.


The Central Asian IGF-2024 will focus on discussing critical issues related to Internet governance and accessibility in the region in order to create an inclusive, secure and sustainable digital environment.

This is a large-scale event focused on discussing key aspects of digital infrastructure development, cybersecurity and regulation in the era of technological innovation in the Central Asian region. The Forum will bring together experts, politicians and business representatives for in-depth analysis and development of strategies aimed at accelerating digital progress and strengthening technological security in the region.

The overall goal of the Forum is to promote inclusive and equal access to the Internet and digital technologies, improve cybersecurity and trust, support the growth of the digital economy and encourage digital innovations that meet the needs of the Central Asian region.

The Forum will contribute to strengthening multilateral cooperation between Governments, the private sector, civil society and academic institutions from all countries of the region.

During the sessions and discussions, it is planned to develop practical recommendations on Internet governance policy, review the best cases and successful initiatives in the region.

We expect a variety of participants, including government officials (government administrations, relevant ministries, members of parliaments of Central Asian countries), industry leaders, representatives of civil society, academia, and independent experts.

The Forum will act as a comprehensive and inclusive platform to discuss opportunities and solve problems in the field of Internet governance and digital development in the region to create a reliable and sustainable digital ecosystem in Central Asia.

During the Forum, we will discuss: 

  • Digital infrastructure development issues: digital connectivity, which is crucial for Central Asian communities; improving access to the Internet and infrastructure, including in remote mountainous and rural areas; which policies and regional initiatives contribute to expanding digital infrastructure and services, making them more accessible to reduce the digital divide in the region.
  • Cybersecurity and digital resilience in Central Asia: reviewing case studies and best practices on national and regional initiatives in the field of digital resilience and cybersecurity; developing and implementing cybersecurity strategies and policies tailored to the specific needs and capabilities of these regions; promoting the best digital hygiene initiatives, training and advanced training programs on cybersecurity; Strengthen collaboration with international organizations and other stakeholders to share knowledge, resources and expertise in cybersecurity and digital resilience.
  • Regulation in the context of digital transformation: how to create a regulatory environment conducive to the development and support of digital innovation; what regulatory framework will facilitate the adoption of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, big data and cloud computing. The need for policies flexible enough to adapt to the rapid development of technology, while ensuring responsible and ethical use of these advances, will be considered.

The holding of CAIGF 2024 in Tashkent will provide an opportunity for stakeholders from Central Asian countries to come together and discuss these important issues on the digital agenda, to identify priorities for the common digital future of the countries of our region.


CA IGF is supposed to be held in a hybrid format – offline expert discussions and online speeches and presentations by a number of foreign participants.

The forum will be attended by representatives of government offices and relevant ministries of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Representatives of international, non-governmental, expert organizations of the Central Asian region, digital business, technology companies and digital development experts from Europe, China, and Canada are invited to participate in the forum.

Representatives of ICANN, Ripe NCC, RCC (Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications), Internet Society (ISOC), IGF secretariat are expected to participate; heads/representatives of international digital platforms and multinational digital corporations – Yandex, Meta, TikTok; international and regional experts in the field of cybersecurity and digital sustainability.

The list of participants and experts is being updated and updated.


The Forum will consist of plenary sessions with an overview of key issues on the topics of the Forum, and discussions of participants, allowing them to share their opinions and experiences, consider the best cases and develop common digital development projects.

The discussion of topical issues of the digital future of Central Asia and the development of the Internet in the region will be focused on 3 main tracks relevant to the annual discussion in all IGF formats: 

  • Digital infrastructure: realizing the potential of Central Asia in the age of technology

The discussion at the plenary session will focus on the importance of digital infrastructure for the sustainable development of the Central Asian region, the role of the Internet and digital technologies in improving access to information and services, and supporting the economic growth of the countries of the region.

It is proposed to discuss opportunities to strengthen regional cooperation between Central Asian countries in infrastructure development, as well as the possibility of involving international partners and investors to support infrastructure projects, stimulate innovation to create new solutions and approaches to sustainable infrastructure development; the need to strengthen digitalization and the use of innovative approaches to ensure the sustainability of infrastructure projects and systems.

The session participants will discuss how effective development and modernization of digital infrastructure can contribute to unlocking the economic and social potential of the region. The focus will be on creating a reliable and accessible network infrastructure necessary to support a wide range of digital technologies and services.

The discussion will also touch on how innovations in telecommunications, the Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data can be integrated into existing systems to improve their efficiency and reliability.

Special attention will be paid to the accessibility and inclusiveness of digital infrastructure so that the benefits of digitalization are accessible to all segments of the population, including residents of remote and mountainous areas.

The session will be a platform for the exchange of ideas and strategies that will help the Central Asian countries realize their digital ambitions and strengthen their positions in the global digital economy.

  • The secure digital future of Central Asia: strategies, initiatives and cooperation in an era of growing cyber threats

The session will discuss various aspects of cybersecurity and digital resilience in the region. During the session, examples of successful regional initiatives will be presented, demonstrating effective methods of sharing knowledge, experience and resources between countries to increase the level of digital sustainability.

In addition, the discussion will address the importance of digital hygiene and cybersecurity training programs, which play a key role in raising awareness of cyber threats and developing digital hygiene skills among the public and organizations. The need to strengthen interregional cooperation in countering cyber threats, strengthen partnership between Central Asian countries and international organizations, which will allow the exchange of knowledge and experience in this area, will be considered.

The session will also focus on the need for countries in the region to adapt to new cyber threats and technological changes, as well as discuss innovative approaches and technologies that can help Central Asian countries adapt to the changing technological landscape and ensure the safety of citizens, organizations and government agencies in the digital world.

In general, all discussions within the framework of this session will allow discussing strategies and initiatives that contribute to creating a secure and sustainable digital future for the Central Asian region.

  • Regulation in the era of innovation: the path to effective technology adoption in Central Asia

This session will address key issues related to creating an effective regulatory environment to support and develop digital innovations in the region, ensuring cybersecurity and equal access in the digital space. The discussion will focus on the need to develop flexible regulatory frameworks that facilitate the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, big data and cloud computing into the economies and legal systems of Central Asian countries.

The session participants will discuss how to create a regulatory environment that not only accelerates technological development, but also ensures responsible and ethical use of technology. The discussion will focus on the importance of adapting regulatory approaches to the rapidly changing technological landscape, as well as how regulation can stimulate innovation and technological breakthroughs, ensuring the protection of users and society, and equal access to digital achievements.

What is the role of government, business, academic and expert communities in shaping a regulatory environment that promotes digital inclusion and sustainable development: experts from various fields, including politicians, industry leaders and academia, will present diverse views and share experiences on effective regulatory practices in order to develop practical recommendations for improving the regulatory landscape of Central Asia.

The session will contribute to the development of a meaningful dialogue and exchange of views on how best to regulate and support digital transformation in the region, taking into account its unique challenges and opportunities.

Become the participant of the CAIGF 2024

The Forum will become an open platform and a valuable opportunity for participants to share their knowledge and experience, as well as learn from each other.

We invite all interested parties from the countries of our region to actively participate.

For questions about participation in the Forum, as well as suggestions for speeches and reports within the specified tracks, you can contact the organizers: – Erkaim Turusbekova –Askar Almazov

Venue: Hilton Tashkent City, 1 Ukchi St., Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

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